Only 8 mm thin

As thin as a Pencil

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3in1 ProCharge

Seamless Charging


Seamless Technology

Space Saving

ProCharge 3in1

ProCharge Desk

Unleashing 240W

Only 8 mm thin

As thin as a Pencil

Seamless Power Napping

Night Stand Charger

Best in class

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Pro Cables up to 40 Gbps

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Engineered with LogiQ

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Featured ProConnnect USB-C Hubs ProCharge ProCables

Inspired by Danish Minimalism | Impressive by Performance

LINQ Connects

Over-Performance as a standard.

Seamless Tech Accessories for and around your beloved Apple devices.

Inspired by Danish Minimalism.
Impressive by Performance.

LINQ Connects

Over-Performance as a standard.

Seamless Tech Accessories for and around your your beloved Apple devices.

Inspired by Danish Minimalism.
Impressive by Performance.

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